Here’s why homebuyers shouldn’t skip on purchasing title insurance.

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What is title insurance, and why might you need it? Today we’re speaking with Kristi Philips from Waco Title about everything you need to know about it.

Essentially, title insurance protects your real estate investment and property rights. The owner’s policy protects buyers while the lender’s policy protects whoever is funding your mortgage.

In our experience, not everyone buys title insurance when they purchase a property, but that can be dangerous. Even if you’re buying from a family member or someone you trust, it protects against things like forgery, fraud, human error, and other identity issues. 

During closing, you’ll go over the necessary documents with your title company. This is when you’ll purchase title insurance if you decide to go that route. If you have any questions about what you need to bring to closing, just give your title company a call. They can give you a quote on your title insurance and remind you of everything you need to bring for a smooth and successful close. 

If you have questions for us about title insurance or anything else, please call or email us. We are always willing to help!